Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Favorite Quotes 1

I'm calling this Favorite Quotes "1" because I'm hoping that there will be other posts like this in the future. These quotes all came from my students. Some are funny; others very kind, and maybe a little sappy. I've only made some very minor changes to them so they can be read a little better. But some of the Chinglish I left behind for realism. I hope you enjoy. I know I have.

"Mr. Ross, you are a good teacher. You are doing a great job, and I'm very glad to be your student."

"Thank you for the way you treat us. You give me confidence many times, and I have learned a lot from you. You are a good teacher and friend, and you mean a lot to us. Keep on, Mr. Ross, we love you!"

"The radio station manager came by tonight and said you have a very sexy voice."

"Through this week's study and communication, we've seen that you are a good teacher and friend of us. You are enthusiastic, patient and friendly, sometimes like a cordial, big boy!"

"If you found yourself in a dark room, the walls around you are red and blood comes from everywhere, don't be scared - you are in my heart."

"Sometimes I feel you are not a foreigner but a Chinese friend. I am very happy to be your student."

"Mr. Ross, I think it is amazing. I can understand you so well. When you speak English, it's like you do not have an accent. When you speak Chinese, I almost think you are Chinese."

"Thank your teaching! It is very wonderful. In your class, I'm not afraid to make mistakes. So I dare to answer questions and speak English loudly."

"You have dreams and enthusiasm, unlike most professors in our college. You are a good teacher. I just want you to know that you are doing well and encourage you. I appreciate this kind of person such as you and wish you to be happy. It's true, not flattery."

"Mr. Ross, your Chinese is so standard - it is amazing! I think you have a great endowment for learning languages!"

Hahaha. I loved that last one. Really funny. And it's not too hard to see why this could build up a person's ego pretty quickly. Fortunately, I am aware that there are a lot of "kindnesses" shared in Chinese culture. So, not every compliment I receive is genuine, but even if only half of them are true, it's still pretty great.

But, it's great that, in being here, even though I have a chance to think, "Oh man, I must be the greatest thing since sliced bread," I know why I'm here. I know who brought me here and what purpose I'm here to achieve. And I know the glory is all His. So, thanks, Lord, for being who you are. I'm glad to be one of your students, too :)