Friday, August 15, 2008

I Love the South

So, I was at the doctor's office to get my back checked out today, and there are several black women in there with different kinds of problems. And you know how many of them are - very friendly and talkative (I'm appreciatin', not hatin').

Well, one lady starts telling me all the things she's been going through, and she said that she knew something was wrong with her knee. So she went to the doctor, and..."He told me I was gunna need surgery. And I knew it. It was just inedible."


Of course, that was supposed to be "inevitable," in case it doesn't translate in written words as well. Oh man, I had to work so hard not to just bust a gut laughing when she said that. Good times, huh?

As a side note, it seems nothing is wrong with my back. Just once again I've been told I must stretch more. Ugh. But I guess it's better than the alternative.