Well the first full week of training has completed, and it has been a doozy! I've had all sorts of new ideas, policies, and classroom information thrown at me. But wait, it gets better next week! Hahaha, that's actually a bit sarcastic. Our schedule this week has gone from 6am (when I get up to run or read) until 9:30 or 10pm, with very few breaks in between. Next week we will keep the same schedule, but over the course of the next 2 weeks, I'm supposed to come up with lesson plans for EVERY CLASS I'LL BE TEACHING FOR THE NEXT YEAR! Yikes! Needless to say, that's a hefty task, especially since I've never taught before, and some of this business information will be unfamiliar to me.
But, all that acknowledged, I'm really excited about it all. I'll be teaching two classes - Marketing and Operations. My teammate will be teaching Management and Finance. I think that plays pretty well to our individual strengths, which is very helpful. Now let's just hope I can survive through this next phase so I can actually get to teach the courses abroad! There are many things I could complaign about - many comforts that I have already had to leave behind to come just to LA - but, really, it all pales in comparison to the amazing things going on inside of me and in the folks at training. I'm not going to be making much money this year, and I may be losing valuable years of experience in the workforce, but I can't think of a place I'd rather be right now than here, in the midst of all this craziness. I'm very optimistic about this year - struggles, hardships and all! Now, y'all just be sure to remind me I said this when in 2-3 months I'm all upset at my circumstances :) So, how are things for you? A lot of you great folks have taken a moment to say hello, and I sure have loved it. Since I don't have a lot of time, I may not write back the greatest responses to any emails, but I sure would love to hear from anyone who'd like to say hello. Missing you all, but thankful to be a part of a great vision...